Monday, February 11, 2008


PC is back from the road for a while. We went fifteen days longer than we had planned, which was very cool and unexpected. I didn't blog at all and I didn't miss it all that much. I took the approach that doing was better than talking or writing.

While I was gone I got the chance to step out of my comfort zone and work differently than I have in the past. Due to the specs of the gig I couldn't rely on my usual process, so I had to learn something new. It's been my experience that most photographers don't like learning something new and I am no different but much like Jules Winnfield I'm in a transitional period so I gave it a shot. I learned something new that I wouldn't have done on my own and as it turns out it was rewarding and a great learning experience. I will now be able to implement what I've learned into my future work.

A lot of people have been writing about the end of Polaroid as we know it. I get why people are upset and rightfully so. Change can be a real MotherF'er but I prefer to look at things like this as being forced to do something different. It's not all bad just different. What do I know? I'm part of the problem, I haven't used Polaroid in five years.

A good point has been made that how we work is being decided for us not by us.I felt the same way when Kodak stop making Royal X in the mid eighties.If you use Polaroid I feel your pain. I have embraced digital for the last ten years but I do see quality going down the shitter.I see a lot of bad Photoshoped images and I'm from the school of just because you can doesn't mean you should.Something is definetly lost when you haven't gone through the process of exsposing film and or Polaroid.

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