Sunday, August 24, 2008


I recently performed at a "open mic" night at a local brewery. I don't play out often but when I do I have a lot of fun. There is usually a fair amount of people there that I now, some are playing and some are there for support. There were several photographers playing that night which backs up my theory on creative types having other avenues to express themselves.

 I make mental notes on how people prepare for their 15 minutes of fame. Did they spend a lot of time preparing or do they just wing it when they get up there. Some drink a lot of beers, others indulge in crops from "Bob Marley's  Farmer" and some are just stone cold sober. In the past I have gone "Rock Star" , where I'm out of my mind and can barely stand up by the end of the night. 

My intent when I play is to get something out of it other than violent vomiting the next day. It's an opportunity to make the most out of a short period of time. I do the best I can with the time that I'm given. I take this same approach when making a photograph. Preparation is key to doing anything well but I think you also have to be open minded enough to go with the moment and follow your instinct and not be afraid to explore an idea that comes to you. I believe this is a similar approach that Jazz musicians take. We have a beginning and a end and what happens in the middle is the reason why we do anything.

I like having timelines set for me, it puts a certain amount of pressure on me to not over think things and just start doing. 

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